Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Method 1 & 2

Methods 1 & 2

Web is information via the internet. Web 2.0 is information in multiple forms via the internet. It is like an octopus with multiple appendages. Social networks, file sharing, o

Library is a building with books and magazines and library staff. Library 2.0 is all that but taken to another dimension-the web dimension and all it entails. Allows a library to go to a home schooled individual, to troops in Iraq. We are not just managing information but sharing information.

With the advent of the Web, libraries and librarian seemed to abdicate to technology.

With Web 2.0, human beings are now in the technology.

We can be proactive in learning. We can become experience based learners.

Library 2.0 allows libraries to assist learners where they are in the knowledge journey not where we as librarians think they should be.

I enjoyed Mr. Abrams interview. He emphasized time management; organization. I especially liked the comment that libraries are the technology not just a building.

I start this process with trepidation; feeling technology handicapped. I am now on my way.

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